Update: In the released version of 4.1 and 5.1, similar templates are installed by the VG.net installer. You only need these templates if you use version 4.0.
Do you wish to start with partial classes when you do "Add New Item..." and select a Picture or TranslucentForm in Visual Studio 2005? Partial classes put the generated code in a file suffixed with designer.cs. This way your main class file is less cluttered.
Copy these template files to your My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C# folder (or Visual Basic folder), and you can access them from the "Add New Item.." item.
Alternatively, you can remove the standard VG.net templates in this folder:
Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\1033
and copy them there instead.
Do not unzip the files: they need to be in a .zip file in order to be recognized by Visual Studio 2005. These are only for version 4.0. Versions 4.1, 5.1, or greater all have templates installed by the installer.
Picture template, C#
Picture template, VB
TranslucentForm template, C#
TranslucentForm template, VB
Theme template, C#(For early releases of VG.net 4.1)
Theme template, VB(For early releases of VG.net 4.1)